About Me


Nostalgia ★ Games ★ Fatal Frame ★ Final Fantasy ★ Bright/Pastel Colors


NSFW/Kink Accounts ★ Rudeness/Harassment ★ Working Retail

I've been around since the Club Penguin days.

I got really into TinierMe and Sketchfu during my middle school years. That was when I first got into anime/manga and horror! My first survival horror game was Fatal Frame 2 and from then on I became obsessed with the series.

I joined Tumblr a few years after TinierMe was shut down and just kind of never left, mostly reblogging memes I saw and fandom-related things until I recently discovered the aesthetic I wanted to get into.

I never really got into coding until very recently when I suddenly decided I really wanted to make a real website to go with my Carrd. I'm not very good at it and it's a lot of trial and error, but I'm slowly getting used to the process!

I hope to one day code my own themes for Tumblr as well!

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