
The first time I played an Ape Escape game was on a Pizza Hut demo disc! It was the first game and I remembered thinking it was so much fun. I mean, I was also a kid, and it was made for kids, but that's beside the point...
The second time I played an Ape Escape game, I had ended up renting the third game from a Game Crazy back in my hometown. I remember staying up late that night playing it with my brother and childhood friend.

After we had to return the game, I ended up forgetting about it for a little while. But when I remembered, I decided I wanted the game really bad. Eventually, I ended up getting it and playing it to death. My brother, childhood friend and I all became obsessed with it for a little while.
After becoming an adult, I ended up getting the second game and playing it, but not enjoying it as much as the other two even with the nostalgia factor. I ended up with the first game as a PS throwback as well, but I haven't really touched it that much.

Every once in a while I'll come back to the third game when I'm feeling especially nostalgic. It's always fun to revisit something you loved that much as a kid, especially when it's all just silly fun. I think I'll always come back to play it again every now and then.