
I've loved Final Fantasy since I was a really little kid! Since I can remember, actually. FFX was the first game I remember falling in love with after I watched my mom play it when I was a small child. I never knew if I wanted to be Yuna or Rikku.
I remember pretending to play it outside with my brothers as we were growing up, or playing FF inspired games with the toys we had. We would put on the music on the game and just make things up as we went. The games got pretty intense, but then, don't most kids' games eventually?

After getting really into FFX, I eventually discovered FFIX and fell in love all over again. The story blew me away and the art style drew me in. It was Garnet that really inspired me to cut my hair for the first time in my life.
I spent the summer of 8th grade doing nothing but playing FFIX (and even beat Ozma without the Friendly Monster Sidequest by accident), then played FFVII the following year and loved it almost as much. I remember collecting everything in that one.

At some point I ended up getting into FFXIV as well, but never to the same degree as some of the other games. I have yet to actually get anywhere in the story despite playing it for several years and always end up spending most of my time gathering and crafting...