
The Winx Club was one of the first cartoons among it's kind I ended up getting into. I loved fairies very, very much as a kid, to the point where it was pretty much an obsession, so this series was perfect for me.
I immediately took a liking to both Bloom and Stella, but especially Stella at first. I remember wanting to be her every time I played it with my friend on the playground during recess. We were both really into fairies, actually, and it was something we had in common.

It's another one that I don't really have many memories of, but I do very much remember staying up late at night playing the gameboy game when I very much should've been getting some sleep for school the next day. It was one of my favorite things, so it's too bad I don't actually know where the game went...
I remember being really excited one day to see the commercial for the PS2 game, but it only aired one time and I'm pretty sure I missed it. Nowadays I could go watch it on Youtube, but at the time I was too young to go on it because it was... kind of a different time, I suppose.

I won't ever forget the magic of sitting there on my gameboy playing the game. I won't ever forget staring longingly at the GameFaqs screenshots for the PS2 game. I won't ever forget the comic I ended up with either. I wish I knew where that was and if it was in acceptable enough condition to read... Unfortunately, I don't know if I'll ever be able to come back to this series, but it holds a special place in my heart.